Organic seaweed (kelp) extract 16 oz


Seaweed extract powder

Product Detail:
Makes 120-480 GALLONS! Use the foliar spray strength for hydroponics. Composition Solubility 99.0 % Min pH 8-10 Moisture 1-5 % Organic matter 45 % Min Alginic Acid 10-20 % Mannitol 4-7 % Nitrogen 1.0-1.5 % Phosphorous 0.5-2.0 % Potassium 16-21 % Iron 0.2.-04 % Calcium 0.15-0.20 % Sulphur 1.0-3.0 % Magnesium 0.2-09 % Total Amino Acid 1.5-3.5 % Copper 1-6 ppm Vitamin 600 ppm Zinc 50-200 ppm Manganese 5-12 ppm Molybdenum 1-5 ppm Boron 16-24 ppm Nickel 1-3 ppm Selenium 2-3 ppm Lead 10 ppm Max Mercury 5 ppm Max Cobalt 5 ppm Max Cadmium 5 ppm Max This is an extremely high quality product. This product provides your plants with the extra needed nutrients for all of the extra growing you will be asking them to do. For best results It should be mixed with Compound amino acid , fulvic acid and or humic acid and regular NPK fertilizer.

Product Enquiry

Soluble Seaweed Extract is a OMRI and CDFA OIM approved water soluble powder, naturally derived from fresh seaweed ascophyllum nodosum (kelp). It is a non-toxic and non-polluting fertilizer rich in micro elements with no synthetic hormones ideal for organic farming practices. Contains natural alginic and protein amino acids. Encourages thriving root, stem and foliage growth as well as larger flowers and fruits making it a potent plant booster. 14% potassium 0-0-14.


Benefits Include:

  • Better root systems
  • Provides greater resistance to stress
  • Improved soil structure and water holding capacity



Additional information

Weight 15 oz


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