Gibberellic Acid 90% 50 Grams with instructions


Gibberellic Acid 50 Gram Kit. Comes with 50 grams of 90% GA3, detailed instructions and a special measuring spoon so you dont have to use a milligram scale. This product is for research purposes only.

Product Enquiry
  • 50g GA3 Min. Purity 90%
  • Instructions
  • Measuring Spoon
  • For research and development purposes only.

Effects of Gibberellic Acid

by John M. Riley 1987 CRFG Journal (vol. 19, pp. 10-12)
  1. Overcoming dormancy. Treatment with high concentrations of GA is effective in overcoming dormancy and causing rapid germination of seed. Concentrations of about 2 ppm can cause tubers to sprout earlier.
  2. Premature flowering. If a plant is sufficiently developed, premature flowering may be induced by direct application of GA to young plants. This action is not sustained and treatment may have to be repeated. Formation of male flowers is generally promoted by concentrations of 10 to 200 ppm., female flowers by concentrations of 200 to 300 ppm. Concentrations of more than 600 ppm markedly suppresses initiation of both male and female flowers.
  3. Increased fruit set. When there is difficulty with fruit set because of incomplete pollination, GA may be effectively used to increase fruit set. The resulting fruit maybe partially or entirely seedless. GA has increased the total yield in greenhouse tomato crops both as a result of increased fruit set and more rapid growth of the fruit.
  4. Hybridizing. Pollination within self-incompatible clones and between closely related species may some times be forced by the application of GA and cytokinin to the blooms at the time of hand pollination.
  5. Increased growth. GA applied near the terminal bud of trees may increase the rate of growth by stimulating more or less constant growth during the season. In a Department of Agriculture experiment, the GA was applied as a 1% paste in a band around the terminal bud of trees. Treatment was repeated three times during the summer. Walnut tee growth was 8.5 ft. for treated trees, 1.5 ft. for untreated trees.
  6. Frost protection. Spraying fruit trees at full-blossom or when the blossoms begin to wither can offset the detrimental effects of frost.
  7. Root formation. GA inhibits the formation of roots in cuttings.
  • Product Name :  Ga3 Gibberellic Acid - Plant Hormone - Gibberellins Pgr Hormones
  • Storage Temperature: 2 to 6° C
  • CAS No: [77-06-5]
  • Structure Formula: C19H2206
  • Molecular Weight: 346.41
  • Soluble alcohol
  • Purity: Min. Guaranteed 90%
  • Melting point: 233-235°C
  • Color: Pure white to pale yellow

Benefits of Ga3 Gibberellic Acid | Plant Hormone | Gibberellins Pgr Hormones:

  • Can change male/female ratio of flowers.
  • Gibberellic acid can induce monogenetic reproduction.
  • Can stimulate fruit setting and growing.
  • Breaking dormancy of seeds.
  • Break winter dormancy of plants
  • Extend growing season
  • Can accelerate seed germination.
  • Gibberellic acid will help in promoting stem elongation.
  • Gibberellic acid can enlarge leaf surface.
  • Can help accumulation of metabolites in phloem.
  • Activate cambium.
  • Inhibit prematuration.
  • Gibberellic acid can retard aging.


Ga3 Gibberellic Acid - Plant Hormone - Gibberellins is a tetracyclic diterpene acid promoting growth and elongation of cells. It affects decomposition of plants and helps plants grow if used in small amounts, but eventually plants develop tolerance to it. Ga3 Gibberellic Acid Plant Hormone Gibberellins stimulates the cells of germinating seeds to produce mRNA, molecules that code for hydrolytic enzymes.


Chemical analysis of gibberellic aicd 20%

Items Standard
Appearance White powder
Content 20% min
PH 6-7
Dissolving time 8 mins max


Basic Informations:

Product Name: Gibberellic acid, GA3
Molecular Formular: C19H22O6
CAS Registed Number: 77-06-5
Chemical Structure: GA3, Gibberellin, gibberellic acid, plant growth regulator, agrochemical
Physical and Chemical Properties:  1. Melting point: 233~235 °C ;2. Boiling point: 619.7°C at 760 mmHg;

3. Relative index: 1.639;

4. Water solubility: 5 g/L (20°C);

5. Vapor pressure: 5.93E-18mmHg at 25°C

Classification:  Plant Growth Regulator / Agrochemical
Main Application:
  • To regulate blossom of plants.
  • Delay senscence and keep fresh of fruits;
  • Growth of the vetative massin plants;
  • To promote spouting of seedsby breaking dormancy;
  • To promote fruit set and the formation of seedless fruits;
 Toxicity: Gibberellic acid is safe to human and livestocks. The acute oral dosage to mice( LD50 ) > 15000mg/kg.
 Note:  Do not mix gibberellic acid with alkaline solutions.


4. Availability of GA3 90% TC

Crops Dosage(mg/L) Processing time and methods Effects
Hybrid rice 25-55 Spray the parent plant form earing 15% to earing 25% for 3 times. Promote rice heading, improve the yield
Barley 1 Soak the seed before sowing Promote sprouting
Grape 20-50 Spray over the young fruits Regulator fruit size and improve the yield
Tomato 10-5 Spray over the flowers Promote fruit set
Cherry 5-10 Spray over the fruits 3 weeks before picking Extend the harvest period
Watermelon 10-50 Spray over the fruits before picking Extend the storage period
Potato 0.5-1 Soak the stem 30 minutes before sowing Break the dormancy and promote sprouting
Lettuce 100-1000 Spray the leaves on the seeding stage Regulator flowering

Additional information

Weight 3 oz


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